A Moment in My Life – Wednesday, August 26, 2020
“Hi, my name is Jeannie, and I’m a creature of habit.” Are there others of you out there? Come on over. Don’t be shy. The party is about to begin.
I’ve had people laugh at me when they learned that I parked in the same area and even took the same parking space at Bart every day if that was possible. I got on the same Bart car, and I sat in the same seat. I’d imagine shooting darts at the person who might have taken my seat. Don’t worry. I’m not Adrian Monk. I prefer the same spots, but I won’t shoot real darts or force the person out of my space if I didn’t get my way.
Looking back to my corporate days, I can laugh now, but I tell you that it was nerve-racking back then. Almost every day, I forced myself out of my comfort zone to fit into the company to keep my job. Don’t get me wrong. I loved the company, and I loved what I did, and they loved me. They didn’t know that I was a double agent, though. I was an ideal employee (in my humble opinion) who adapted well to change on the surface. Yet, beneath the surface, I was a heart attack waiting to happen, fretting over the potential change that they might announce that day. It was tough for someone who didn’t like change while working in a company whose motto thrived on change and diversity. It seemed like as soon as I began getting used to something, they changed it. Although I resisted change, however, on the flip side of the coin, I learned many new things that I wouldn’t have known had I not been forced down that path. Skillsets and applications that carry into my personal life that branches out to other areas like church and social events. Did that make adapting to change any easier? No, I don’t think so. Do I appreciate it? Most definitely.
It’s like parents forcing their kids to eat vegetables. Regardless of how appealing mom makes them look, it doesn’t make it easier for the kid to eat it. Do they appreciate it? Maybe not at the moment, but in the long run, I’m sure they did. That’s me, in this scenario.
I remember when one of my bosses kept encouraging me to use OneNote. I resisted forever, but once I began using it, it became my best friend for life. I rely heavily on it every day. Last year, one of my favorite authors, Jessica Brody, introduced me to the OneNote competitor, Evernote, as an excellent application for our writing life. At first, I was determined not to add another app to my collection. I was satisfied with OneNote, and to prove it, my OneNote contains an overwhelming amount of data. When I launched my writing career, I took Jessica up on her suggestion and incorporated Evernote for my business application. It has worked out beautifully for me, and it has already gotten an overwhelming amount of data. I think I might be a data hoard. Let’s keep that our secret, okay?
When Shelter in Place began, I resisted joining Zoom calls, but ultimately gave in to it when everybody was using it. Now, I love meetings via Zoom. What a great way to connect without the hassle of the commute, traffic, parking, or weather constraints! I love it. I almost dread returning to live meetings.
The other night, my friend Carol and I talked about a project where we would share a spreadsheet. My inclination was Excel, but she suggested using Sheets, which simplifies the sharing process. Granted, I have a Gmail account; however, I reply on my Mac Outlook and never open Gmail. I had no clue about the cool apps that come with my account. One day, my friend, Lily, suggested using Hangouts for our chat, but she accommodated me by using Facetime, which I was more familiar with. Now that Carol broadened my horizons, I’ll be venturing around in Google if you’re looking for me.
I don’t need to buy the newest or latest toys. I’m not particularly eager to change things unless they quit working for me, and it forces me to make the change. The good news is that I do like learning new things that can improve my life. When I find something that works, I am good. I am grateful that I live in the here and now when we have an abundance of choices that enrich our lives. There are ample opportunities to learn new things, and as I learn more, I think it is easier to adapt, but that’s not the same as change. That’s what it is—the reason I enjoy learning new things is that it’s not change, per se. Okay, phew, had me second-guessing myself for the moment. No worries. I’m still a creature of habit.
After having experienced many incidents where I resisted but ended up rewarded for having given in to change, you’d think that I would welcome it now. I can honestly tell you; no. A creature of habit will always be a creature of habit. Still, I’m not too fond of change, but I adapt and probably end up loving it. I can guarantee that I will always be that creature of habit. Anybody else the same way?
I’m totally a creature of habit and I don’t like change.
You and me both, Denise!