Is anybody else feeling nervous and excited about our economy reopening, or is it just me? I’m feeling a collage of emotions as the vicissitude of life propels me onto a path, whether I’m ready to venture down or not. I know we’ve been in quarantine for just about three months, and I know many people have claw marks on their walls to prove it. It took a while for me to acclimate to being shut in from the leisure lifestyle of coming and going at a whim, but then I made the most of what my options were and ended up perfecting being a hermit. I’m not big on change, but I am a survivor, and that trait has served me well through the multitudes of my trials.
With each phase of the reopening, we get an aperture of the new norm. I’m happy our world is healing and mending, and now, on the road to recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic. I should be elated, but instead, I feel a bit uncomfortable towards participating in the new norm so soon. I am excited that more businesses are reopening with safety measures to provide patrons with social distancing. I am sad that the way we enjoyed patronizing companies and eateries no longer allow the freedom to meander in a shop and leisurely dine for hours in a crowded restaurant. Never mind the concerts and sporting events where hordes of fans create combustion of exhilarating energies that can only happen in such an atmosphere with likeminded people. We’re not in that phase yet.
I’m not even in the phase of being near ready to sample the new civilization that will become our new norm. I didn’t just acclimate to be a hermit; I got to liking it. Why? Well, only because it allowed me to tackle the mound of projects that I never had time to address. With Shelter in Place, I am finally getting to them. I’ve only scratched the surface, though; thus, I am not eager to dive back into the living world.
With that said, I do realize that I have a choice. Just because everybody else is advancing back into the world doesn’t mean that I need to dive in with everyone. It’s nice to have a choice. I know some of my peers feel the same way as I do, and that’s fine, we can take baby steps. Eventually, my emotions will sync up.
One of the hardest things during this Shelter in Place is having to bite my tongue to avoid saying, “Let’s get together!” I miss my friends so much. Sure, we chat via social media pretty regularly. I am very grateful for social media, but it doesn’t replace hanging out with people face-to-face. That part makes it worthwhile to don my facial covering and gloves if that’s what it takes to be with people again.
Yet, I miss seeing faces; I mean the whole face, not just eyes and maybe a nose. I love greeting passersby with a smile, and I equally love receiving smiles in return. However, I know this precaution won’t be forever, but it is a necessary evil for the present-day, which we need to obey. We can’t let our guards down, especially if we want to enjoy all the flavors of life that make us happy.
Just remember the old proverb, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
Be Happy and Stay Safe! 💜
That was well stated and captured the the thoughts of many, hence mixed emotions. I could myself reading this in an airline magazine.
Thanks for sharing that with me, Wiz!
I’m feeling mostly nervous about the openings. I see the numbers and they’re not good. They just keep going up and things keep opening up. People complained about things being closed and things started opening up. Now they’re complaining about having to wear a mask in various places. This makes me sad. I’ve seen pictures of Vegas and other places–no masks. I’d love for things to be back to normal, but that’s not going to happen for a long time. 🙁
Hey Denise, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yeah, it is scary. I get the people’s dilemma. They are tired and want to resume the life that they knew. Me too. I am sure so do you. Considering how dangerous this virus is, we don’t have much choice. If we want to have access to the outside world, we’re going to have to be respectful to the rules and be responsible individuals. I can’t stress enough the importance of not letting our guard down when we are out and about. Please stay safe!